Thursday, May 20, 2010

20th May. The Day We Flood Grief to The Messenger

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Today is 20th of May. And the feeling I feel all this day is a mixture of grief, annoyed, sick, anger, love, patience, and whole lot more.

For some of you that might wonder, what is it, on 20th May.

It's the day for some people referred as Everybody Draw Muhammad Day.
(The next sentence I decided to continue in Malay, as it seems readers find it's boring to read in english)


Ramai yang tahu bahawa hari ini telah lahir daripada Facebook. Ada ulamak mengatakan Facebook adalah antara medium fitnah ter-efektif masa kini, khususnya terhadap agama Islam.
Hari ini secara kurang ajarnya telah muncul hasil tertubuhnya group dalam Facebook oleh kumpulan-kumpulan musuh-musuh yang memusuhi Islam.

Tapi apa puncanya ?

Tidak ramai yang tahu tentang tragedi percubaan pengeboman yang berlaku di Times Square New York baru-baru ini. Dan percubaan itu gagal. Puncanya pula ialah penyiaran kartun South Park yang menunjukkan karikatur Nabi Muhammad S.A.W sebagai salah satu watak. Dan perkara ini merupakan provokasi yang cuba dicetuskan musuh Islam.

Saya tidak mengatakan bahawa dalang disebalik percubaan pengeboman itu adalah Muslim, atau radikal Muslim, kerana ada kemungkinan bahawa ianya hanyalah fitnah terhadap agama.

Tetapi reaksi yang agak radikal dapat dilihat oleh sekumpulan Muslim di Amerika yang mengugut bunuh terhadap pelukis kartun South Park. Dan apabila berlaku percubaan pengeboman berlaku, segalanya dilemparkan terhadap Islam.

Dan sebahagian besar musuh Islam mengambil kesempatan terhadap tragedi ini dengan melemparkan dengan fitnah-fitnah baru mengatakan Islam melarang sama sekali kebebasan bersuara (kebebasan bersuara merupakan budaya Amerika).

Lalu lahirlah group ini dan mereka menganjurkan hari yang dinamakan Everybody Draw Muhammad Day. Kononnya sebagai percubaan membantah larangan kebebasan bersuara oleh Islam.

Tidak Lain Hanyalah Provokasi

Ianya jelas sekali satu provokasi.

Dan perkara yang terbaik untuk mengatasi provokasi ialah dengan tidak terikut dengannya. Bagaimana ?

Sudah tentu dengan menyuarakan bantahan bukan secara ugutan. Banyak lagi cara lain. Sebahagian Muslim yang bijak mengambil langkah meng-deactivate akaun Facebook mereka.

Tunjukkan Imej seorang Muslim yang matang.

Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin pernah mengulas tentang cara menghadapi kutukan. Beliau mengambil perumpamaan daripada seroang Ulamak yang berkata :

"Apabila anjing menyalak dan mengganggu kita, tidak sepatutnya kita turut menyalak sama. Tetapi langkah terbaik ialah dengan mengadu pada tuannya"

Dalam kes ini, tuan manusia hanyalah Allah. Mengadulah kita kepadanya, minta dibersihkan fitnah ini daripada Nabi yang tercinta.


Mengapa saya katakan Love di atas tadi ? Memang benar, cinta saya terhadap Baginda S.A.W semakin bertambah apabila mengenangkan bagaiman beliau masih sanggup mendoakan kesejahteraan penduduk Taif yang melemparkan baru dan najis kepadanya kerana kerja dakwah Baginda.

Keadaan yang Baginda lalui dahulu tidak banyak bezanya dengan sekarang. Contohilah kesabaran dan tindakan Rasulullah.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It's 5 Simple Steps to Download a Movie [Torrent]

A lot of you might have wondered, how the heck some other guys are able to watch movie on their laptop screens and save a couple of bucks from spending in a cinema. IT'S EASY. But you can't expect a movie that has only been released today to be put on the internet. Impossible. Just wait for some time and regularly check on the torrent webs for latest update.

Allright now, how do we do it?

1)Go to and search for bit torrent software or any torrent software that is FREE. Or, you could just click here. And download.

2)Open the executable file with extension ( .exe) and allow the torrent torrent to be installed.

3)Once you have a torrent software installed in your computer, let's begin searching for the movie. Open your browser ( Firefox, Chrome, I.E, Safari, Opera) or anything and open any torrent website. I'd suggest

4)Search the movie you want to watch there, and click on it. On any torrent site, you'll see the "Download Torrent" button, click it. It'll appear some options there. Select "open with" not "save as" and begin allowing the file to be downloaded.

5)Just wait until it is done. Once done, enjoy.

And oh, there are some tips I want to share with you guys. Because torrenting a movie is messy as a lot spams and viruses are in this.

1)Never ever download a movie with a compressed file ( .rar, .winrar) Usually things like this requires you password or just some sort of viruses and brings you to complete ridiculous surveys.

2)Observe the quality before you download. You might be disappointed with the result if you're not careful. The quality usually labeled in a quite manner.
1- CamRip,
2- TS or Telesync
3-R5 Sync
From top to bottom, comes the worst quality to the best.

3)Notice the seed and leech. The more seed it has, the faster it download since more people are contributing to share the file. Likewise, more leech it has, the slower it download as more people are downloading from a limited source.

4)Always find for a right subtitle. (If you're easy with subtitle)

5)Have a common sense. If a movie is only released today, or a pass few days, don't expect to download a DVDRip quality. Usually it's a spam. People will post gradually from lowest quality until the best. So, if you want the best quality, better you wait a little longer.

Allright, I guess t

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Monday, May 17, 2010

Epal - Jus epal ? pai epal ? kek epal ? apa yg lebih best ?

Sudah tentunya Apple iPhone !

Ok, mungkin sesetengah orang berpendapat adalah tidak wajar untuk membeli produk2 daripada Apple kerana semuanya tak kan pernah berhenti. Pada masa kita rasa kita bangga bahawa kita akan mempunyai iPhone, kerana ingin membelinya esok, sedar tak sedar lusa akan keluar edisi yang terbaru. Sigh~

Dan selalunya iPhone dilabel oleh masyarakat sebagai "overprice".

Tapi semua itu bergantung kepada individu masing-masing. Mana taknya, duit sendiri kan? Tetapi perlu beringat, jadilah pengguna bijak.

Tak perlu fikir panjang, post kali ni saya nak dedahkan tentang kelahiran generasi baru iPhone, - Apple iPhone 4G. Ya 4G.

Di kala ada yang dah pasang impian memiliki iPhone atau yang baru sahaja memilikinya, tentu sekali ada perasaan kecewa, menyesal dan agak tertekan. Sudah tentulah, there are so much to be offered by this latest generation. Ia jauh lebih baik.

Baik, berdasarkan sumber daripada Gizmodo, Satu model prototaip iPhone 4G telah jatuh ke tangan seseorang yang menjumpainya di bar kerana seorang pekerja Apple di bahagian pembangunan teknologi telah tidak sengajanya meninggalkan model tersebut. Lalu tersebarlah semua ciri-ciri baru yang ingin dirahsiakan pihak Apple ke seluruh pelusuk Lembah Silikon ni.

Dan ada desas dessus mengatakan ia akan dilancarkan sepenuhnya pada pertengahan musim panas 2010 iaitu pada Julai. Dan ia bukan sekadar penambah-baikan yang ala kadar, dan sedikit, ia bakal menerajui era "Computer-in-your-pocket". Bukan sekadar teknologi iPhone 3G yang tidak boleh merakam video kepada iPhone 3GS yang boleh merakam video. Ia sesuatu yang baru !

Mungkin inilah yang dinanti-nantikan sesetengah pihak (seperti saya) yang berasakan bahawa pembelian iPhone generasi sebelumnya seperti 3G dan 3GS adalah kurang berbaloi kerana ia masih dapat ditandingi iPod touch cuma harganya sahaja yang berlebihan.

Antara ciri-ciri baru iPhone 4G :

-Sudah tentunya teknologi internet yang lebih pantas dengan 4G. Lebih hebat daripada teknologi 3G.
-Email bersatu (segalanya ada dalam satu tempat, bukan berterabur)
-Folder untuk Apps
-Design yang lebih kemas dan ergonomik. (lihat gambar di bawah)
-Skrin OLED
-Multi-tasking. (anda boleh bersms, berfacebook dan menjalankan apps-apps dalam masa yang sama) menggunakan teknologi OS 4.0
-kamera di hapadan (untuk kegunaan video chat) bermakna ada 2 kamera
-32G dan 64G basic memory. Sentiasa boleh ditambah (ada slot SD)
-Bateri boleh ditanggalkan
-HD - Camera, camcoder, audio.
-True GPS built-in

Stylish, as always !

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lap-Machines for us. Which ?

What Machines? (thanks for the face, Ray)

Salam. Peace be upon you.

Today we're going to discuss a lil' bit deeper into this matter. This machines matter. Since many of us, youths are more comfortable with laptop, the arguments goes on and on, which is the best? Some will say the best one is the best brand. Brand is another context of an issue, but generally, it becomes best when it fits your need and affordability and provides you with satisfying services. Well, satisfying service must come with a satisfying specs, right ? Then here's what we're gonna do, to take a look specifically on a laptop specs to select the best for us.

To provide with a clear view, I must say, best laptop comes with good combination of each component based on it's purposes and pricing. Take a look on each component.

1-CPU- (central processing unit)

Basically, CPU is the brain of your laptop. You must've familiar with these two brands - Intel and AMD. So which one? And what type?
To measure the processing power a CPU has, you consider it's clockspeed rate. The more GHz it gives, the more powerful it is. But remember, more power, means more heat. This depends on how you cope with it with your laptop. A laptop with 2.1 GHz CPU is already enough for an upper medium performance(advanced medium tasks) like amateur graphic works, sedentary gaming, and some software like CAD. A laptop with 2.1 GHz CPU can already run Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash, Media Player (Music Streaming) and Internet Browsing. But this gather along a good combo, with 4GB RAM and a low-class video (graphic) card. With less than that, less work it can perform.

You might also want to consider the amount of cache a CPU can handle. More means more job it can handle at once. Like 6 or 8 M, it can handle much work already compare to only 1 or 2 M.

However, if some of you might demand intense gaming with a 14'' to 16'' machine like Crysis, Left for Dead, Gears of War,you should get yourself more GHz, (clockspeed rate) and get more RAM, more powerful video/graphic card, and, a better cooling system.

There are simple steps to know which CPU that might best compatible with your lifestyle.

1. Imagine your live and what you're going to do with the machine on your lap for 4 to 5 years forward. Or if you plan to stick with it for entire of your life, that's up to you.

2. If you plan to do casual work like word processing, media streaming, normal games, movie watching, and stuffs like that with your laptop, Intel Dual Core or AMD Sempron, Turion X2, are best. But remember, if you're using Macintosh, always get higher requirements since it uses more on graphic and OS (operation system). In this case, Intel Duo 2 Core is allright.

3. If you love to play heavier Games and more often, and works with heavier software like Adobe After Effects, 3DS MAX, Blender, Adobe Premire Pro and several architecture and engineering software get a Intel Quad Core. It performs better. For macintosh user, get an Intel Dual Quad Core

4. But however, if you're rich and don't care at all about money, just ask for the latest CPU like Intel i7 980 and get the best out of your laptop.

There are also some fuss going around whether AMD is better than Intel or vice versa. Like I said, it all depends on clockspeed rate, cache, and performance. But there are some special properties that AMD has, but not Intel, so do Intel has, but not AMD.

AMD is cheaper than Intel, cooler and often related to has a best value. However, Intel has a better cutting edge technology and usually has higher capability in Overclocking.

But these also relate to video/graphic card ability you have. A bad CPU with powerful video card is as bad as a good CPU with bad video card.

2-Video/Graphic Card

ATI or Nvidia? Don't bother. Just notice it's memory. 512 Mb is just best enough for laptop gaming.

However, there are certain laptops that come without these card, they are built with integrated video or Intel HD video that perform less satisfying than ATI or Nvidia. But this usually resulting in lighter laptop since it save more space.

3-RAM - (random access memory)

This is way too simple, more RAM means better performance. However, if you have a larger Hard Drive, you must also have a better RAM as it requires more memory to browse through more space. Like you need more people to find stuff in a larger store, or warehouse.

4-Hard Disk

The bigger, not absoulutely better. But bigger hard disk gives you more space to save more stuffs. But this require more memory (RAM) to operate. You should also notice that it is SATA. SATA hard disk is faster in operation than no-SATA. You might also want to consider it's RPM, or rotation per minute, that represents it's speed. 54k RPM is good already


There are still some other stuffs that you want to consider, like webcam availabitly, screen quality, bluetooth availability, wifi, card reader, and the weight ( though not so important i guess) but they still influence your way of using, comfort, and pricing or a laptop.

There is a feature that some of older laptops don't have, the HDMI. HDMI is the capability of connecting your laptop to a wider screen like your TV ( latest TV, not the big bulky one).

You also should consider the warranty of a laptop. The longer the better isn't?


Some would ask me to suggest, which should be best bought. Well for me, I'd list down some options ranking number 1 for the most I'd really want. But that depends on the price and some other aspects, if it is'nt possible, I'd go for number 2 and so on. And, some reasons why I chose them. (Note that these are just only my thoughts and opinion). And oh, I dont want to suggest Mac Book Pro, it's just unreasonable for a student.

1. Sony Vaio VPC CW28FG
Price : RM 4399
Pros : Sony always comes with great combo's. This is one. Sleek, and Stylish, comparable to Mac Book
Cons : It's hard to find a place good enough to repair if it is broken. And it is expensive, see ?

2. Acer 57416 ....Mn Olympic
Price : Rm 2999
Pros : Great price for a great combo and great video card. Easy to find someone to repair.
Cons : Life-spans is short. About 3 years (but depends on how you use it and manege it)

3. Compaq Presario CQ42 177TX
Price : RM 2499
Pros : Great price for a great combo and great video card. Last's Longer than Acer. Easy to find someone to repair.
Cons : Less CPU Performance, although it is an Intel i5.

Well, however, the choice in your hand, choose wisely. One thing in Malaysia that I love is, we can always bargain for a lower price. Especially those who has an exceptional way of speaking !

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Desktop, Laptop, or Netbook(Coffe Table-Top) ?

Desktop, Laptop, or Netbook(Coffe Table-Top) ?

Salam. Peace be upon you.

This is the season where most of my colleagues are going to further studies in tertiary level education. Regardless of what kind of course or profession that you are into, medic or engineering, law or accounting, or even teaching, most probably there are some of you desire your very own personal computer either be a desktop, notebook or laptop. I can tell already, since some of you have already rained me with questions on which laptop(mostly ask about laptop) to be best bought.

Well to be truth, there are couples of things that should be taken into consideration.

In this post, I am going to make a little comparison and bring out some things about these stuffs to make many of you clarified about this area. A lot of my friends expect that a good laptop(usually) is a good brand. Well this is quite true in some occasions. But holistically, there are certain aspects that should be taken into consideration that defines how good a laptop is.

Lets begin with re-clarification of what laptop, PC, netbook are.

This is a normal desktop PC, (in case if you just came out of living in a cave for the past 10 years)

And this is a typical laptop. Most of you must've seen this before. Besides, it is a netbook. Notice that a netbook is smaller, means laptop has more powerful capability in terms of doing works, gaming and stuffs.

Between these, which one should you chose for a life in a college/university ?

Most probably a laptop or netbook isn’t? Well, that is not absolutely correct though. And to make a correct decision, consider how’s your life’s like, what kind of assignment you’re going to do, the frequency of using these machines in a day, e.t.c. Once you’ve listed and pictured how you’re life’s gonna be with these machines, take a look at pros and cons of each category.

Desktop PC – Most acknowledged and liked feature : extremely upgradeable. It is cheap and easy to upgrade. This suits to those who thinks of long terms and decide to live with it for a long period.

It is also much powerful than the other category even it comes in it’s basic form-out of the box. Nevertheless, PC is heavy, and not portable. You can’t drag it around to any coffee shop just to check e-mail or facebook status. Ridiculous. It also consumes more power (although some of motherboards are built to reduce the consumption) but it still consumes a lot. But bear in mind that, it has a capability of tanking more than a terabyte disk and processing power up to 6GHZ and memory of up tp 20G. Much less like a supercomputer(if upgraded) eh?

Basically, those who should live with it are ;

-Electric and electronic engineering stundent (calculation software requires more processing power)

-architecture students

-Graphic, motion graphic, outer and inner graphic designers

-Web developer

-Software and game developer

Laptop (lappies some called) – Most people will say the most significant feature is it’s portability. Yes It is. A machine weighed around 2 kilo can fit on a table in any coffer shop. And anyone can seize it and bring it around. Yet, it has computing power rival to the desktop thanks to ever accelerating technology. Basically, 2GB of memory (RAM) and a dual core processor (AMD or Intel ) is good enough for a typical university student.

However, this regarding on how you live your life. And to have more power out of a laptop, the more it takes. Starting 3GB of ram with dual processor, you should have already equip your lappy with a cooling pad to make it lasts longer. But still, to its greatest extent, it still cannot rival desktop because as far as it seems today, only up to Intel i5 quad-core processor a laptop can handle. More than that, you’ll have a small bomb in your house or instant egg cooker in your room. IT IS HOT. Laptops also have their own graphic card, sound card which enable better performance.

But the dark side of this is that it is not upgradable(totally) and costs more to repair if damaged. Anyway, Hard Disk and memory(RAM) can still be upgraded. But processor or graphic card? Overhaul. Change everything.

Those suggested for laptops;

-typical university student (engineering, medical, accountancy and business stream)

-those who only make a light assignement (words, basic photoshop)

-those who love outside air


Netbook – As its name indicates, most probable activity that this has to offer is just the internet. Although you still can run Words or Excel or anything the same, but it can’t offer more than that. The best card it has is only portability. Also good in taking instant notes from lecture or talks. This really suits those who love travelling, without works related to computers, having fun staying connected via twitter or facebook. Also, as the size shown, small, the price is lesser.

Suitable for :

-Law students maybe?


-any people who doesn’t bother computing capability and not doing much work related to these machines

Choose wisely, the decision is in your hand. And purse(money) of course. LOL
Well, end of today’s post. More to come, specifically about laptops. Keep connected !

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Reaksi dan Respons

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Selamat kembali semua. Sebelum ni, sy bercadang ingin menyambung post yang sblm ni, tetapi, memandangkan ada beberapa perkara yang masih belum saya perjelaskan berkaitan isu Islam yang semakin hilang kredibilitinya.

Reaksi Kepada Ancaman Terhadap Islam
Kita lihat banyak sekali group2 yg amat menyakitakan hati di facebook, terutamanya berkaitan Akidah dan Agama kita amnya. Dan pada masa yang sama, banyak sekali pula usaha2 kepada fitnah yg dilemparkan terhadap islam. Namun dalam masa kita ditekan, apa yang sebaiknya kita buat sebagai reaksi dan respons terhadap perkara seumpama ini.

Yang pertama sekali, perkara wajib yang perlu kita buat, ialah bersabar. Namun bukan bererti sabar itu adalah tidak mengambil kira sama sekali hal yang berlaku. Sabar yang bererti menahan kemarahan. Kita perlu sedar bahawa kedudukan agama kita pada hari ini bukan seperti 1000 tahun sebelumnya.

Seorang ulamak pernah berkata bahawa apabila anjing mengganggu kita, tidak patut untuk kita menyalak kembali kepadanya. Sebaliknya, kita perlu berbicara kepada tuannya. Sama halnya dengan manusia, manusia yg mmberi ancaman kepada agama kita, tidak seharusnya kita kembali mencaci, mentohmah, membuan ancaman bunuh, mengebom (walaupun kita tahu, xsemestinya pengebom itu muslim, krana itu sbahagian drpd fitnah) dan sebagainya. Hendaklah kita berbbicara kepada tuan manusia, iaitu Allah swt.

Malah Rasulullah sendiri dicaci diherdik dan dipermain2kan ajarannya. Dan apa reaksi baginda ? itulah yang patut kita contohi. Kita perlu sedar mereka sama sekali tidak faham akan apa yang dimaksudkan dengan Islam apatah lagi isi keseluruhannya.

Namun dalam masa yang sama, tidak bererti kita patut diam, lihat dan buat2 tak tahu. Itu bukan tindakan sepatutnya. Bantahan itu perlu, dan sangat penting, tetapi perlu berdasarkan tatacara islam yang betul dan berdasarkan pengalaman Rasulullah. Tidak ada bezanya zaman sekarang dan zaman jahiliah.

Islam itu datang dalam keadaan aneh, dan kembali dalam keadaan aneh.

Rasulullah Sebagai Panduan
Kita sendiri boleh saksikan bahawa sejarah telah kembali berulang pada kedudukan asalnya. Inilah ujian untuk kita. Rasulullah telah lama menghadapi situasi seumpama ini.Tidak perlu diceritakan dengan terperinci, semua saya kira sudah tahu. Jadi, ikutlah Rasulullah, tidak perlu membunuh hanya kerana Islam dipersoalkan. (Kalau dalam hati memang la nak bunuh) Sebaliknya, kita soalkan orang yang mempersoalkan agama kita supaya mereka berfikir, bukan terus dengan persepsi bahawa Islam is Terrorism.

Dan dalam usaha ke arah itu, kita perlu perbaiki diri sendiri, keluarga, masyarakat dan ummah. Kita perlu tunjukkan imej yang sebenar Islam. Imej muslim yang berakhlak dan bermentaliti tinggi.

Jangan pula kita sibuk nak bunuh sana, bunuh sini, sedangkan ummah sendiri terbahagi2 dan berperang sesama sendiri. Fundamentalis, Tradisionis, Liberalis ketepikan semua tu. Islam adalah satu.


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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Apa Masa Depan Tuhan ?

Asslamaualaikum w.b.t

Saudara-saudari yg dihormati sekalian. Bertemu kembali kita dalam diskusi ringkas di sini. (adeh, xnak la formal2. kalau xphm pe yg ditulis, tnye je in the commnt section, BELOW )

Sebagai permulaan bicara, (adui skema lg) sy nak sidang forum / anda tnye diri sndiri, anda sedar ke x dgn realiti masa skg ? Nilaikan, adakah dunia semakin baik, atau menuju kehancuran sdikit2 dan terus runtuh ?

Pape pon, kte lihat paten perjalanan ketamadunan manusia smpai hari ni dr konteks keagamaan. Mula2, Agama itu aspek yg pnting dlm ketamadnan manusia shngga jd slh satu komponen untuk dilabel sebagai manusia bertamadun (rujuk bku teks Sejarah ting. 4, Silibus Malaysia terkini)

Namun, sejak courruptednye agama2 yg ad kt dunia ni, dunia dilihat makin runtuh. Mngkn spe2 yg nilai dunia smakin mantap, bgus, baik, awl2 td, dy cme nilai sbhgn perkara je. Xpe, at least tau la gak pe yg blaku.

Ok, dulu kte (org Islam dan agama Islam) dianggap diancam oleh agama2 lain yg cuba menyebarkan dakyah agama mereka. Well, prkara biasa la, nak closing org msuk agama deme. Kte ambil cth kristian, mmg megah la agama derang dulu. kukuh. agama no 1 di dunia. Tp thanks to them, kegiatan amalan beragama hari ini menerima impaknye. Disebabkan kristian yg mngjar konsep yg salah ttg tuhan,dan kepercayaan trhdp tuhan, Sekarang semua agama mnjadi bahan ketawa. Mnkginkah ia dirancang dr dulu utk menyerang Islam?

Kali ni, sy nak kongsi satu video yg bru dipost di Youtube beberapa jam lepas,

Apa pndngn anda ? Marah ? Terkejut ? Tercabar ? Atau sekadar " Mende? Lantak diorang la"

Anda boleh nmpk kan? Mula2 mereka msukkan liberalism dan sekularism dan campurkan kprcayaan karut dlm kristian, dan sebarkan propaganda bhw kristian agama yg sbnrnye, tp ble ramai org da mngnut, disbbkn kprcyaan yg xlogik dan salah faham konsep ketuhanan dlm kristian wat org ragu2 pd agama. Dan org jd ragu2 pd semua agama. Dan pabila tiba saat2 org dah mula berfikiran bebas "free thinking" dan mle mncari bukti2 saintifik trhdp tuhan, pd msa itu, ramai pula yg hilang kprcayaan pd tuhan. Seolah2 ad pihak merancang bukan? merancang utk biar org lari dr kebenaran.

Sekarang anda boleh lihat, mrka (westerners) permain2kan agama mereka. tu la yg terjd.

Lihat Di Sini

Skrg mereka nak permainkan agama kita pula. Anda ada dgr isu bru2 ni? Bahawa Nabi Muhammad SAW dijdkan bhn lawak dlm sut beruang dlm siri TV kartun , South Park?

Ramai yg x tahu rasannya. Sbbnya media. even media di Malaysia ni pon bkn pro Ummah. Jgn salah sngka pd sy pulak. Anda sendri nilai, kaji dan selidik.

Eh, xckp masa pulak. Nanti sy smbung dgn post lain, yg bertajuk :


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Friday, May 7, 2010

Berhenti Satu Perhentian. Kembali Sebuah Perjuangan

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Ni la post 1st Saya lam blog ni. My actual post. Bkn yg ngarut2. Kali ini, saya

ingin memberikan sedikit ubat penyedar kepada sesiapa sahaja yang membaca,

terutamanya dari kalangan rakan-rakan.

Bermula minggu depan,berhenti satu rehat yang panjang, yang sangat2 panjang dan

kembali kita dalam perjuangan kita. Tapi..

Tapi ape perjuangan kte ? Apa perjuangan sebenar kita?

Tak lama lagi, ramai la yg pg matrik, IPTA/S, persediaan, luar negara, dan

sebagainye. Dan kalo kte ukur kembali dan nilaikan apa yg berlaku di sekeliling kte,

kte dpt rasa yg kte sedang beranjak ke langkah2 baru yang seterusnya dalam

perjuangan yg panjang.

Tp masih, perjuangan ape yg kte ckpkan ni ?

Belajar ? Carik keje? bina keluarga ? beramal soleh ? - mungkin la semua tu.

Tetapi ape yg perlu kte igt, perjuangan itu sering berbunga daripada tanggngjawab yg

perlu dilaksanakan. Banyak tanggungjawab kte kat dunia ni. Bukan sekadar wujud kat

dunia, belajar, kerja, kahwin, enjoy, mati. Dan akhirnya mati. Kte kne igt

tanggungjwb sbg hamba, sbgai pihak yg dipertanggungjawabkan mentadbir dunia, dan yg

paling penting, bertanggungjawab memelihara agama yg penuh dgn fitnah2 kotor.

Dan proses pembelajaran hanyalah salah satu perjalanan. Dalam perjalanan tu, kte

perlu berusaha menjadi org yg lebih baik dari semasa ke semasa. Dan setiap masa kte

kne muhasabah diri dan peringatkan diri kembali ape sbnarnye tanggungjawab kte.

Saya xnak panjang2 post ni. skit2 cukup la kut. Moga2 sahabat2 dpt apa yg bermanfaat

dari saya, dan kte amalkan.

Terima Kasih.

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Test For Read More Capability

testing read more capability
ni sblm die.

ni yg selebihnye

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Kosong lagi. Belom nak start pape lg.

Haallo. Sori bro, kosong g
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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Test saje

Ni hanyelah satu test aje. aku bru nak start bru blog ni. blog ni aku design snirik based on coding yg org kasi. layout pa suma aku design.

oke, so no copyright violation kat sini. kalo hampa xpuas ati, hampa mai umah aku, usha btoi ke dak. amende la aku ngarot ni. aku pon maleh sbnrnye nak tulis pape kat sini. so aku tulih je la pape pon yg dan. sat g aku tuka la content yg btoi2 berilmu dan bermanfaat pnya, hampa toksah dok risao ar .jap mne henpoon aku. ntah2 ade org kontek

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