Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Batu Lesung dan misterinya. Fakta yang anda tidak ketahui meskipun ibu anda masak hari-hari

The guy was walking towards the other end of the Mamak Cafe- A place where most men gather around at night maybe until the early morning expecting a nice football (i mean soccer for you American dumbasses ). His hair was all entangled in a randomized manner, without a certain predictable pattern of which direction a single strand is going. His facial skin marks a dark and bold skin that indicates a long, very long experience under UV's exposure. The torso was thin, arguably comparable to a toothpick. He wore an old, faded striped crocodile shirt with a missing button between the other two. The pants he was wearing was Cheetah, and the kind of which you'd likely seen in the morning at the field, by some kids warming up to get ready for Physical Education or (Pendidikan Jasmani). The kind of which you'd see with grips on both of it's end, gripping the man's ankles tightly. The teeth was rather weirder, a hole in the middle due to the absence of two front teeth- the ones that remarks the pride of Bugs Bunny, and they aren't there here in this man's cavity.

-, what on earth am i trying to say ?-

Allright, the point is the man is like, a total mess. Not like a crazy guy, I mean, you can utterly distinguish if he was a lunatic or not if you see him with your eyes in the first place. This guy ordered a Neslo Ais (another malaysian-invented drink, (proud to be malaysian)). You can never expect him to be a guy with fine and sharp brain. Neither I pictured him as an engineer for Yokohama and have a second home in Japan, which is much more amazing than the one he has in Malaysia.

He drove a Proton Wira, the one you'd never expect to have such montrous engine-Audi made 2.0 Litre FSI Quattro V8. You'd never expect every single wiring for his house is made by his very own deliberate hands. He was a very smart student back in his college years, he had been in the Dean List for 4 years straight without a single fail. Oh, he was a student from UPM, a graduate for a degree in Electric and Electronic Engineering. But what was way amazing, is the facts of his history, drawn best vividly in his own mind. But of course, someone else from his relatives must know his history. That's the way I get this story written on this page.

Back in his high school age, he was diligent, and hardworking. The moment he woke up, he hold his dream tight, until he sleep, he sleep with his dream tight. He was already excellent, and brilliant, in his study in school, and he put the aim to get into university. But his life didn't favor his dream at that time. But why give up hope ?

So, everyday, he cycled more than 20 KM with loads of palm oil to be sold so that he could earn some money for university. Yes , with a mere rusty bicycle. After all, that was all he can afford to move with. But he was determined.Like people say, it is determination that is the strongest force, way stronger than muscular brawn.


He was smart enough to get a place among the smartest to be given a sponsorship by Petronas. For a time like that, to be able to achieve such sponsorship was a Holy Grail. And this had changed his life. Totally. With money to pursue his study to university, he literally has nothing to worry about. So he managed to get into UPM.

And through his remarkable, successful life he had in his college life, he built a stable life of his own. Great job, and great life.

The moment I finished my second glass of drink, a woman, a decent one, with a white and cute complexion came strolling into the cafe. Her smile was so charming- gracefully displays her white, even and well mannered teeth. Everything was in opposition to the guy I observed a moment before.

Unbelievably, the woman is the guy's wife. For real.

I was like, "How the heck..?!"

I like a guy, when he has such a great life, choose to stay modest humble. In contrary to those who have nothing, but as if he owns everything. well, you know what i mean. -.-

This is a story of successful man, a modest man, and a humble man. The kind that I'd like to be myself, and the kind I'd like to see more in the future.

---You might be wondering, I didnt even talked to this guy, not even a word, but still can unfold his enigmatic story as if I am his own relatives or such. No, I'm not. But my friend here, right in front of me, is his nephew.

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Burn Quran Campaign. Something WE SHOULD'NT TAKE FOR GRANTED

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Sekarang ni rata-rata umat islam di malaysia sedang excited
menunggu tamatnya hari ni seterusnya meraikan hari lebaran yang
ditunggu-tunggu setelah sebulan kita menunaikan ibadah berpuasa.

Namun tidak lupa juga bagi sebahagian yang menangisi dan bersedih hati
atas pemergian ramadhan atas sebab-sebab masing-masing.

Mungkin ada yang tidak berkesempatan memanfaatkan sepenuhnya bulan ramadhan untuk beribadah,
mungkin ada yang masih tidak puas dengan nikmat ramadhan
Mungkin ada yang merasakan bulan ramadhan tidak ada bezanya dengan bulan-bulan yang lain
cuma bezanya lapar dan dahaga yang ketara


mungkin ada yang langsung tidak berpuasa di bulan ramadhan ? [allhua'lam, masing-masing nilai diri sendiri]

Sedang kita sibuk dengan perayaan yang bakal tiba, adakah kita sedar akan ancaman yang bakal terjadi di awal Syawal nanti?

Dove World Outreach Center, sebuah gereja di Florida dengan aggresifnya sedang melancarkan kempen
"Burn Quran Day" pada 11 September dengan mendakwa tindakan ini adalah respons terhadap Orang Islam kerana
keganasan yang sering kali dicanang-canangkan di lakukan orang ISlam.

Perkara ini diburukkan lagi dengan situasi masyarakat barat disuap-suap dengan idea bahawa "Islam is the Devil"

Saya tidak mahu membincangkan dengan lebih lanjut mengenai situasi yang berlaku kerana sudah jelas
memang ia menyentuh sensitiviti masyarakat Islam.

Apa yang saya mahu bincangkan di sini ialah, apa tindakan yang patut kita buat ?

Adakah dengan menyerang dengan cara fizikal pihak yang terbabit dengan senjata dapat menyelesaikan masalah?
Sudah tentu tidak. Malah, persepsi masyarakat dunia yang sememangnya telah diracun media terhadap
Orang Islam yang disinonimkan dengan keganasan dan pengganas akan menjadi lebih kuat lagi.
Lebih mudah untuk mereka menuduh Muslim sebagai extrimist dan terrorist.
Segala nilai-nilai mulia yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah akan tercemar dengan begitu sahaja. Sifat sebenar Islam tak mungkin akan
sampai di mata dunia untuk membersihkan fitnah yang sedia ada.

Kita perlu ingat bahawa tindakan mereka ini tidak lain tidak bukan hanyalah tindakan provokasi.
Mereka tahu bahawa inilah kelemahan kita. mereka mahu kita bertindak dengan keganasan. Dengan itu, mereka boleh bergelak tawa
menghina Islam sebagai agama yang mundur, ganas, dan tidak bertamadun.

Sudah tentu kita tidak mahu perkara ini berlaku.

Justeru, kita perlu membuktikan pada dunia bahawa kita mampu menyelesaikan masalah dengan cara yang matang.

Kita perlu menunjukkan pada mata dunia bahawa mereka tidak ada beza dengan dakwaan yang mereka lemparkan kepada Islam
iaitu sebagai ekstrimis.

Kita perlu suarakan, walaupun benar yang meranapkan World Trade Centre pada 11 September 2001 itu merupakan orang Islam,
mereka tidak mewakili Islam (sudah tentulah tidak, kerana bukan orang Islam yang buat)

Kita perlu menghina sekeras-kerasnya tindakan mereka kerana kita tidak pernah pula membakar Bible dan membuang Bible
ke dalam lubang jamban.

Tunjukkan pada dunia bahawa sifat sebenar orang Islam berkontradiksi dengan tuduhan mereka.

Kita perlu tunjukkan sifat yang matang dan akhlak yang terbaik dan cuba berunding dengan pihak gereja lain
menghina tindakan sebahagian orang Kristian yang terkutuk tersebut.

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Sunday, September 5, 2010

I should take life easier.

yes2, it has been quite long since i last been around.
anyway, im still thinking of what to be shared with you guys.]
of course i dont want to write about myself, my problems, my life, because my life is not for people to watch for, and laughed while they read and sit on their couch. no, it isnt. I'll share my life only with people I care and love most. Allright.

So now, i dont have a good materials to write on this blog, but I'll come up with something good for you later.
And plus, I have a lot assignments to be done first, but still, i want to enjoy life and take it easily. Allright.

Until then, hope you guys enjoy your life, and, DONT FORGET WHAT YOU LIVE FOR
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