Thursday, December 2, 2010


Hari ini aku main dengan emulsion . Moga-moga jadik la apa yang aku kerjakan walaupun aku xde kerja tu sebab aku buat kerja ni.


[bagi sapa-sapa nak tau emulsion tu hape, wait for the next post, aku hanta skali ngn gamba. xnak tau xpe]

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pointer sem 1 aku boleh la tahan

Hey, wassup (American)

Assalamualaikum (Islamic)

Hari ini aku nak bagitau kat korang bahawa hajat aku untuk makan cupcakes masih lagi tak kesampaian .

Cerita dia macam ni.

Mula-mula, memang aku semangat gilaa dah nak pergi kedai runcit beli tepung(flour), gula aising (icing sugar), gula perang (brown sugar), dan beberapa bahan-bahan lain termasuklah tembikai.

Tapi dalam perjalanan, aku teringat bahawa aku lupa bawak duit, so, aku terpakasa patah balik, ambil duit.

Nasib baik , aku selamat sampai kat kedai, dan berjaya beli bahan-bahan di atas.

Sampai je aku kat rumah, aku terus bukak tepung(flour), mentega(butter), apa benda semua, terus campur dan uli sampai jadi macam pes(paste). Time tu mata aku dah bersinar-sinar dah, excited sangat, sebab tinggal beberapa step lagi nak jadi.


Lepas je siap pes(paste), aku pon terus buat bentuk bulat, dan masukkan dalam kuali, yang memang ada minyak tengah menggelegak dalam tu.

Aku pun pelik juga, kenapa aku buat macam tu. Rupa-rupanya, baru aku sedar, ni step buat donat. Mak aku pun bising, sebab mak aku nak goreng ayam waktu itu. Penat-penat dia panaskan minyak, sedap hati aku je buat cupcakes, eh donat(doughnut).

Jadi, kempunan la aku nak makan cupcakes lagi, dan duit aku burn camtu je sebab silap buat.
Makan je lah donat(doughnut) pun. Enjoy.

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hati ini lembut(soft), mudah pecah(fragile) dan mudah terbakar(volatile)

Aku tak tahu nak tulis apa la dalam entry kali ni.

Ok, dah dapat idea.

Aku nak try buat cupcakes la. Bukan sebab aku pondan ke apa,

Tapi kat sini tak ada orang jual cupcakes, tapi aku teringin sangat nak makan.

Maybe sebab dia sedap dan bole gemokkan badan. Bila badan dah naik, senang nak build up,

so, aku akan lebih tough, dan rakan-rakan aku akan jeles dengan aku. Itu yang aku nak.

Jadi, aku bukak la youtube, usha2 apa yang ada pasal cupcakes ni.

Membantu jugak la, tapi aku tak ada bahan-bahan lagi nak buat. So maybe esok lusa aku buat la.

Jangan risau nanti aku buat, aku makan.

Anyway, macam menarik tau cupcakes ni. Sedap pulak bila tengok. Dan proses pembuatan dia memang fun, sebab boleh decorate sana sini ikot bentuk yang kau nak. Nak buat bentuk tahi (shit) pon boleh. Tu yang aku teringin sangat tu.

Aku harap dalam RMK-10, kerajaan boleh menggalakkan orang supaya menjual cupcakes.
Sebab aku dah boring la tengok orang jual burger je . Nak termuntah aku tengok burger dah. Lagi2 bila ada orang post video kat facebook pasal lembu dia orang kisar macam recylce centre. Hidop-hidop pulak tu. Kreatif gila.

Ok lah, aku dah habis mencoret buah fikiran aku serba sedikit dekat sini

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Batu Lesung dan misterinya. Fakta yang anda tidak ketahui meskipun ibu anda masak hari-hari

The guy was walking towards the other end of the Mamak Cafe- A place where most men gather around at night maybe until the early morning expecting a nice football (i mean soccer for you American dumbasses ). His hair was all entangled in a randomized manner, without a certain predictable pattern of which direction a single strand is going. His facial skin marks a dark and bold skin that indicates a long, very long experience under UV's exposure. The torso was thin, arguably comparable to a toothpick. He wore an old, faded striped crocodile shirt with a missing button between the other two. The pants he was wearing was Cheetah, and the kind of which you'd likely seen in the morning at the field, by some kids warming up to get ready for Physical Education or (Pendidikan Jasmani). The kind of which you'd see with grips on both of it's end, gripping the man's ankles tightly. The teeth was rather weirder, a hole in the middle due to the absence of two front teeth- the ones that remarks the pride of Bugs Bunny, and they aren't there here in this man's cavity.

-, what on earth am i trying to say ?-

Allright, the point is the man is like, a total mess. Not like a crazy guy, I mean, you can utterly distinguish if he was a lunatic or not if you see him with your eyes in the first place. This guy ordered a Neslo Ais (another malaysian-invented drink, (proud to be malaysian)). You can never expect him to be a guy with fine and sharp brain. Neither I pictured him as an engineer for Yokohama and have a second home in Japan, which is much more amazing than the one he has in Malaysia.

He drove a Proton Wira, the one you'd never expect to have such montrous engine-Audi made 2.0 Litre FSI Quattro V8. You'd never expect every single wiring for his house is made by his very own deliberate hands. He was a very smart student back in his college years, he had been in the Dean List for 4 years straight without a single fail. Oh, he was a student from UPM, a graduate for a degree in Electric and Electronic Engineering. But what was way amazing, is the facts of his history, drawn best vividly in his own mind. But of course, someone else from his relatives must know his history. That's the way I get this story written on this page.

Back in his high school age, he was diligent, and hardworking. The moment he woke up, he hold his dream tight, until he sleep, he sleep with his dream tight. He was already excellent, and brilliant, in his study in school, and he put the aim to get into university. But his life didn't favor his dream at that time. But why give up hope ?

So, everyday, he cycled more than 20 KM with loads of palm oil to be sold so that he could earn some money for university. Yes , with a mere rusty bicycle. After all, that was all he can afford to move with. But he was determined.Like people say, it is determination that is the strongest force, way stronger than muscular brawn.


He was smart enough to get a place among the smartest to be given a sponsorship by Petronas. For a time like that, to be able to achieve such sponsorship was a Holy Grail. And this had changed his life. Totally. With money to pursue his study to university, he literally has nothing to worry about. So he managed to get into UPM.

And through his remarkable, successful life he had in his college life, he built a stable life of his own. Great job, and great life.

The moment I finished my second glass of drink, a woman, a decent one, with a white and cute complexion came strolling into the cafe. Her smile was so charming- gracefully displays her white, even and well mannered teeth. Everything was in opposition to the guy I observed a moment before.

Unbelievably, the woman is the guy's wife. For real.

I was like, "How the heck..?!"

I like a guy, when he has such a great life, choose to stay modest humble. In contrary to those who have nothing, but as if he owns everything. well, you know what i mean. -.-

This is a story of successful man, a modest man, and a humble man. The kind that I'd like to be myself, and the kind I'd like to see more in the future.

---You might be wondering, I didnt even talked to this guy, not even a word, but still can unfold his enigmatic story as if I am his own relatives or such. No, I'm not. But my friend here, right in front of me, is his nephew.

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